UPPAAL Academic Licenses for Courses

Teachers and system administrators may speed up the registration for students by using a shared license key from the following steps:

  1. Create a course email address.
    For example, if your email is prof@school.edu and the course name is class23,
    then you can use prof+class23@school.edu subaddress.
    This plus-subaddressing is RFC5233 part of email protocol many servers implement, and such emails are delivered to prof@school.edu without doing anything special.
  2. Use the course email to register. Please enter your full name and the course name in the name field.
  3. Check your mail box for the link and retrieve the license key.
  4. Distribute the license key to the course students in a way that it is limited to your institution and are not accessible from public Internet.

One license key is limited to 100 students and is available for 6 months at a time.

Please contact us if it does not work with your school mail, you have more students or need longer term solution.